Wednesday, December 27, 2006

great kisses

never been kissed has been playing on amc tonite. so with that and the fact that new year's eve is only a couple days away, i started thinking about perfect kisses.

it's been ages since i've kissed someone romantically--more than a decade in fact. it just hasn't worked out that there's been someone in my life to kiss. i'm okay with that. as i recall, kissing was fun, but i'm okay with not wasting perfectly good kisses on mr. not-so-right, but i digress. there's nothing like a great perfect kiss in the movies.

the one that ends never been kissed is one of my favorites. but my all time favorite movie kiss is from gone with the wind. it's the scene where rhett tells scarlett she should be "kissed and often and by someone who knows how".

so, what's your favorite movie kiss? post it in the comments and if i get enough responses, i'll post a top ten list of movie kisses.

1 comment:

Len said...

What about the "foot popping kiss" in Princess Diaries? Can you tell I have 2 daughters? :-)