Saturday, October 29, 2005

lazy day

today is my first day off in 3 weeks. i've kept it protected to have a lazy day. i've slept in, got up and made some breakfast, did some reading and took nap. i'm thinking i'm going to fix lunch now. i might go for a walk later. i have some fresh veggies to grill for dinner if i'm feeling energetic then or if not, i have a couple of lean cuisines to choose from.

the thing is i have lots of things i should be doing...emails to catch up on, a couple papers to write, some reading to do, laundry and my house seriously needs dusting and vacuuming. but i'm tired. really tired. so today i'm honoring that resting and doing whatever feels relaxing. it's definitely a challenge at moments... the 'shoulds' start sneaking in: i should go throw in a load of laundry, i should start on that paper, i should finish that assigned reading. but thing is if i let the 'shoulds' derail my day, then tomorrow, i'll still be tired and my shoulds won't be done as well as they would be if i did them when i wasn't as tired. and the shoulds will all still be there tomorrow. of course for it to be the ideal lazy day, the real trick is not to allow myself to feel guilty about the shoulds because that would defeat the purpose of a lazy day...


Anonymous said...

we call saturdays at our home "ReneeDays" -- Eric and Jordan leave for the day. truthfully, it ends up being only until about 2 pm, but I get to spend the morning and early afternoon however I want/need. I cherish my "sabbath" days -- it's the only day during the week when I don't feel the demands of other stuff crowding in. And I often do things I "should" but just as often, I don't. It's a glorious extravagance.

So I think you're giving (and receiving!) more than a "lazy day." I think there's something pretty holy about it, and not lazy at all.

jlyn said...

i'm thrilled that you are enjoying a day off. sit down, enjoy, and breathe in some new life.